Before Requesting A Refund for Blog Mastermind Read This

Posted on: May 3rd, 2016 by Yaro No Comments

I want to be very clear about my refund policy for this program.

My goal is to attract people who are motivated, have done their research and decided Blog Mastermind is the right program for your situation, and most importantly, you are committed to applying the system I am teaching you.

The first thing you need to know about my guarantee is that you have a 30 day window to try the program before the refund period ends.

This means anytime within the first 30 days from the day you purchased you can request a refund if you decide the program is not working for you. I will reverse your payment so you get your money back, if the following conditions are met

Refund Guarantee Conditions

When you request a refund you must show that you actually applied the system and it did not work for you. This means that you went through the tasks in Blog Mastermind step-by-step to do the following:

  • Set up your blog and email list
  • Set up a two week email sequence to promote your first offer

This is what Blog Mastermind teaches you how to do. To qualify for the refund, you have to show me you set these basic things up following the steps in the program, but it did not work for you. I will then be happy to fully refund your program fee.

Note that one of my customer care team members will phone you so you can demonstrate that you have taken those the actions that the program instructs you to take.

Do not request a refund if you have not taken action. That would not honour the commitment you made to me and the program when you first joined.

If you are ready to ask for the refund, email to setup your cancellation phone call.

The same 30-Day Money Back Guarantee applies to the “Full Payment Option” or the “Payment Plan” installments option.

What’s The Difference Between Blog Mastermind And Laptop Lifestyle Academy?

Posted on: May 3rd, 2016 by Yaro No Comments

Concerning the differences between the programs:

Blog Mastermind 2.0 is Yaro's flagship training program, and by far the most comprehensive step-by-step course out there on how to use your blog and email list to sell digital products like ebooks, membership sites and online courses.

If you want to turn your knowledge into an online business using blogging as the foundation to build your audience and attract the right customers for your product, this is the perfect course for you.

It's a self-study program, which you can work through as quickly or as slowly as you like. You can also ask Yaro questions directly every month during live coaching webinars, or email the questions in advance if you can't make the webinar.


The Laptop Lifestyle Academy is NOT a step-by-step course. It's designed as your support system to help you solve problems, hold you accountable and make sure you don't give up on your business dreams.

The Academy includes access to Yaro, other mentors (entrepreneurs who already make money online), and also a ‘family' of people still working to start and grow their business.

The Academy also includes over 30 training programs, but they are not structured like a big course. They are short and designed to help you solve specific problems as you grow your business, however you won't likely need all of them.

Think of the Academy as an online workshop full of mentors, other students and a lead coach (Yaro), available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


In an ideal situation, take both programs (there is a discount if you bundle them together).

Blog Mastermind will guide you through the entire process of building you blog, email list, and selling your first product.

The Academy offers you the support you need every day to deal with the challenges you will face and to make sure you do not give up.

If you're budget is small, start with the Academy. If you only want Yaro's best training course, start with Blog Mastermind 2.0.

How Much Time Do I Get To Complete Blog Mastermind?

Posted on: May 3rd, 2016 by Yaro No Comments

As much time as you need!

Once you have fully paid for the course, you have permanent access to it for as long as this website exists.

You can complete it within the 6 weeks timeframe, or you can take a year – it's entirely up to you. There are no schedules or deadlines that you need to work to.

We think the important thing is to read, watch and implement all the information as you go, in your own time.

Can I Ask Questions While I’m Doing Blog Mastermind?

Posted on: May 3rd, 2016 by Yaro No Comments

Yes! Yaro holds monthly live webinars, and he asks all his students to join in by submitting the questions that they have.

By answering live, all students can benefit from hearing the answers to everyone else's questions – often they are common issues and will be helpful to everyone.

You can ask the questions live on the webinar, and discuss them with Yaro. If you can't make it to the webinar, you can simply email your questions in beforehand, and Yaro will answer them during the call. Every webinar is recorded so you can listen to the answers in your own time.

Apart from the monthly webinars, there is no other mentoring or coaching component to the course, although our Support team may be able to assist depending on the nature of the question.